MLCC - Laboratory 2 - Regularization networks
This lab is about Regularized Least Squares (linear and non linear).
Follow the instructions below. Think hard before you call the instructors!
zipfile (unzip it in a local folder)
1. Warm up - data generation
We start again from data generation, use the function MixGauss:
- 1.A Generate a 2-class training set where each class is centered on
(0,0) and (1,1) respectively and their variance is 0.25 and 0.35 (100
points per class): input X, output Y Adjust the output labels so to
assign them {-1,1}: Y=(Y==2)+(Y==1)*(-1);
- 1.B Generate the corresponding test set of 500 points per class:
input XT, output YT
- 1.C Add some noise to the previously generated data, with the
function flipLabels
(type "help
flipLabels" for some guideline). You will obtain a new set of
training and test output vectors Yn, YTn
Plot the various datasets with the
function scatter, eg:
hold on
scatter(X(Y==1,1), X(Y==1,2), '.b');
scatter(X(Y==-1,1), X(Y==-1,2), '.y');
title('training set')
2. Linear RLS
- 2.A Have a look at the code of functions
regularizedLSTrain and regularizedLSTest, and see if they look the way
you expected them (compare them with what we discussed in class)
- 2.B Try the functions on the previously generated
2-class data from section 1.A. Pick a "reasonable" lambda.
- 2.C As you did yesterday, perform parameter
selection with the function holdoutCV, looking for a good lambda in
the range {exp(-10), ...exp(0)}
[l, s, Vm,
Vs, Tm, Ts] = holdoutCV(@regularizedLSTrain, @regularizedLSTest, '',
X, Y, 0.35, 20, exp(0:-0.5:-10), [ ])
Have a look at the selected lambda. Plot training and validation mean
error, as you did yesterday
- 2.D Use the chosen value for lambda to
compute the separating function (function separatingF).
Superimpose to the function both training data (X,Y) and test data
(XT,YT), on two separate plots, to analyze the generalization
properties of you solution.
3. Non Linear RLS
- 3.A Same as Section 2, but this time you need to
use regularizedKernLSTrain
and regularizedKernLSTest.
You may adopt a Gaussian kernel, and in this case you will have to
choose two parameters (lambda, sigma).
Have a look at the optimal lambda and sigma and compare the separating
function with both training and test data (as in 2.D)
- 3.B Now we try and have a look at the effects of
overfitting and oversmoothing: repeat the previous experiments but
this time instead than the optimal sigma you should choose a small one
(eg sigma=0.05) or a large one (eg sigma=10).
- 3.C Rules of thumb for choosing a reasonable
sigma: instead than exploring many possible values you may initialize
your sigma by computing the average distance between close points.
Have a look at the function "autosigma". you may give it a try and see
what kind of value it selects: s=autosigma(X,5);
4. If you have time - More experiments
- 4.A Repeat all the experiments in sections 2 and
3, this time using a training set (X,Yn) and a test set (XT,Yn)
obtained by flipping a given percentage of labels (function
You may try 5%, 10%, 20%, ... of flipped points to see what happens.
Give a special look at training and validation errors
- 4.B Repeat the experiments by varying the size of
the training set (as long as matlab supports you!)
- 4.C You may also generate more complex datasets
(with closer gaussians, or more than one gaussian defining the support
of a given class) or use the ones you find in the zipfile (ADDITIONAL_DATA/)